Whats already happening in Wales?
Sarah Goodey from Garth (Gwent Arts in Health) has made first steps into researching whats already happening in Wales.
Current AOP schemes in Wales
I’ve had a number of conversations with practitioners and development officers to find out what schemes may be in place – this is not exhaustive.
There seems to be a lot of schemes in place for fitness and health referrals – free access to local leisure centres / gyms. Or referrals to reading groups for those who have been prescribed self-help books as an aid to positive mental health
Gwawr , Gwynedd Council
Gwawr reported that there was a lot of interest from local artists in delivering an arts on prescription scheme but it would require an organisation to manage the project and so far no-one has had the capacity or funding.
Interestingly, Gwynedd LA include a page abou their arts and health activities in their website:
Iwan Brioc - http://www.iwanbrioc.com
Iwan suggested the following as starting points:
Maria Hayes (NWales) - an artist who works in this realm - http://www.mariahayes.info/work/
New Economic Foundation Reports on Wellbeing & Policy
Participatory arts and mindfulness
Arts for wellbeing, Carmarthen - http://www.arts4wellbeing.org.uk
Forget me not choir. Dementia - http://www.forgetmenotchorus.com
GPs refer to mindfulness session Cardiff (Iwan)
Stroud has an active scheme – on prescription courses: http://www.sgscol.ac.uk/DepartmentContent.aspx?Campus=stroud&Department=communitylearning&DepartmentPage=community-on-prescription
Imscar - Bangor University, Institute of Medical and Social Care Research (IMSCaR) - See more at: http://www.postgrad.com/Bangor-University-Institute-of-Medical-and-Social-Care-Research--IMSCaR/department/27513/#sthash.AKuYyn4Q.dpuf
Alice Briggs, Curator, Ceredigion Museum, Aberystwyth
Alice has been involved with Haul for some time and reported that they have run arts on prescription schemes as part of their programme – I need to follow this up with Heather Giles / Gil Percy. Dyfi Arts (Machynlleth) have also participated in some schemes (tbc).